
What do I actually want? I have no fucking clue. I think i want something. I think that i want to make a lot of money. God i think i want a wife and some kids. Cosplay It feels like cosplaying. Yeah, like i’m roleplaying some fake human being. LIke I am pretending to be a husband as I see it projected to me on television.. or movies or something…...

August 12, 2024 · 2 min · 380 words · Cobra


notzine notzine is nothing I do not like most websites. I do no like most magazines. I do not like most things. I am afraid of believing in a false narrative… in believing in a narrative of what we are supposed to be… about what one is supposed to do. such things scares me. I do not want to present a false version of a person to the world. I want to present something truthful....

July 28, 2024 · 1 min · 145 words · Jay Burd